For many of us, the holiday season is a time to splurge. Gifts, vacations, meals, drinks: you name it! If you’ve put yourself on the nice list, it’s all fair game.
Of course, we take particular interest in the drinks piece of the holiday puzzle. Everyone’s preferences are different and that is never more apparent that when you cram 20+ people from all facets of your life into one room. It might be just because we’re getting older, but we’re seeing more and more of our friends (and even people younger than us!) abstain from drinking alcohol. While we love a good cocktail, glass of wine or beer, sometimes we also love not being hung over.
Whatever the reason, we must not forget there are millions of people who won’t be sipping on spirits this holiday season. Whether they’ve never touched the stuff, are pregnant, or are just taking a “night off,” we firmly believe no guest should be relegated to plain water, juice, HFCS drinks, or artificially flavored and colored sodas. They deserve to be part of the event and should still have the chance to sip on something special and delicious.
It just so happens, many people out there agree with us! Take a look at a few recent media pieces that mention DRY as the perfect non-alcoholic option for a festive holiday evening.
Nikki Hess from invites you to “Delight Your Holiday Party Guests with DRY Sparkling.”
The Charlotte Observer predicts the forecast will be “DRY, with botanical flavors,” as DRY Sparkling is now available at major retailers in the southeast, like Harris Teeter, Ingles and the Fresh Market.
Rachel Kraus, one of the beautiful people at StyleCaster suggests trying DRY instead of Diet Coke in her piece, “Your Diet Coke Addiction is Wreaking Havoc on Your Heart.”
Fox 5 San Diego’s Healthy Grocery Girl, Megan Roosevelt, also offers several ways to “Cut the calories with your favorite holiday drinks” recommending trying DRY instead of heavier or artificially sweetened, flavored or colored drinks. (And San Diego readers – it just so happens Cucumber and Vanilla Bean DRY are currently available at select Starbucks stores in your area!)
And finally, Westword in Denver urges, “This Holiday Season, Think of Your Non-Drinkers,” and suggests all at home drink purveyors familiarize themselves with non-alcs like DRY.
Bottom line: you’ve got options. If you don’t take our word for it that DRY is among the best of beverage choices this season, we hope you’ll take theirs!
Cheers and happy holidays!